Working with ValueMatch as a professional

If you are a coach, trainer, consultant or HR professional we offer you different ways to use our instruments in your professional practice.

Incidental use

Those who want to use our values and change assessments incidentally can purchase these in our webshop. The person who fills out the assessment gets directly invited and receives the full reports, you can also request to get a copy of these reports.

Become a ValueMatch Certified Professional

ValueMatch certified practitioner logoIf you want to use assessments regularly and are interested in using the culture assessments you can become a ValueMatch Certified Professional. As a VCP you also:

  • Get a substantial discount on purchases of our assessments.
  • Get access to our website with manuals, training materials, workshop structures, information on Spiral Dynamics and much more.
  • Become part of our Community of Practice for which we organize regular online meetings to update you on new developments and exchange best practices about the application of Spiral Dynamics and ValueMatch instruments.

To become a VCP you first need a solid understanding of Spiral Dynamics and then attend our ValueMatch Certified Practitioner training.

To learn about Spiral Dynamics we offer the Spiral Dynamics fundamentals level 1 training, see our course schedule for more information, dates, and registration. If you already have good knowledge of Spiral Dynamics, you don’t need to attend this training before becoming a practitioner. To find out your level of knowledge you can use our free Spiral Dynamics knowledge test. A score of 70 to 75% is a good indication that you can progress to our ValueMatch Certification program.

The ValueMatch Certification training is offered online. This is a practical training and the course fee includes assessments you can use to practice working with individuals and a small group.

Our online trainings are conducted in English, and part of the course material is available in Dutch and German too. We are working with various partners around the world to set up local classroom training in different locations and languages, please check our course schedule for availability.


If you complete the ValueMatch Certified Practitioner training successfully we provide you with a certificate that demonstrates that you are a ValueMatch Certified Practitioner. You can also use our certification logo on your website and printed communication.

ValueMatch is authorized by Dr. Don Beck to issue Spiral Dynamics level 1, 2 and 3 certifications. These certificates demonstrate that you have a specific level of knowledge of Spiral Dynamics and are used internationally by the various trainers who Dr. Don Beck authorized. More information about the levels can be found here.

If you complete the Spiral Dynamics fundamentals level 1 training, you automatically get the Spiral Dynamics level 1 certificate, which is included in the course fee. If you have completed the ValueMatch Certified Practitioner training, you can in addition to the ValueMatch certificate request the Spiral Dynamics level 2 certificate. You must however already have a level 1 certificate for this and there is an extra fee of 100 euro (ex VAT), which is the fee we also pay to get the certificate issued.