Certification training for professionals

ValueMatch trains coaches, organizational advisers, HRM professionals, and others interested in using ValueMatch instruments and in Spiral Dynamics thinking. The  ValueMatch Certified Practitioner training gives you the depth of knowledge required to work with our instruments. As a ValueMatch Certified Practitioner, you show your customer that you have mastered the instruments you use and it gives you various other benefits.

Participation in the ValueMatch Certified Practitioner Training requires a good understanding of Spiral Dynamics. If you gained such knowledge elsewhere you can directly participate in our program, otherwise, we recommend you participate in our Spiral Dynamics Fundamentals level 1 training.

Besides the ValueMatch certification, we also offer the Spiral Dynamics certification as designed by Dr. Don Beck. He set up a training program that provides certification, to ensure participants that they learn the fundamentals of Spiral Dynamics in line with the research of Professor Graves and with the depth required for successful application of the theory. The ValueMatch founders have worked closely with Dr. Don Beck until his passing in 2023 and all our trainers are authorized to provide the certification training. After Dr. Beck’s passing the Don Beck Spiral Dynamics Integral Foundation has been set up to ensure the continuation of the certification program.

The certification program consists of three levels:

  • Level 1 teaches the fundamentals of Spiral Dynamics.
  • Level 2 teaches the application of Spiral Dynamics in a certain field of application. Various level 2 programs are available.
  • Level 3 is a mentor program that takes the participant to the expert level in applying Spiral Dynamics.

ValueMatch offers training paths that provide both the ValueMatch certification as well as the Spiral Dynamics certification.

ValueMatch Spiral Dynamics Certification

On the ValueMatch Academy website, you find our open registration training programs for level 1, level 2, and the ValueMatch certification. Here you find more information on the level 3 mentor program.