Culture assessment

ValueMatch culture report

Interventions and transition processes in organizations can only be successful when they fit the culture and structure of the organization and are aligned with the deeper drives of employees. The ValueMatch Culture Assessment is designed to assist organizations in any change project that involves company culture by measuring and comparing both the values in the company culture and the values of the employees.

The ValueMatch Culture Assessment provides comprehensive insights into the dynamics between individuals and organizations. This valuable information is crucial for anyone aiming to bring about effective change in the culture and structure of their organization. These insights lead to more effective and functional interventions and transition processes.

Key Features

  • Unique Dual Measurement: Unlike most other instruments, the ValueMatch Culture Assessment measures both the values of organizational culture and the personal values of the employees. This comparison provides a clear view of whether the current and desired culture aligns with the employees’ values, helping to create an environment where employees can optimally develop their qualities.
  • Based on Graves’s Work: The assessment is grounded in the developmental theories of Clare W. Graves, making it applicable to any type of organization. It determines the stage of development of the organization and advises on what constitutes a ‘healthy’ culture and structure for that specific type.
  • Inspired by Reinventing Organizations: Drawing inspiration from Frederic Laloux’s “Reinventing Organizations,” the ValueMatch Culture Assessment is particularly suited for organizations seeking more wholeness, self-management, and evolutionary goals. It provides insights into current cultural characteristics and the best way to transition towards a teal culture, characterized by self-management and purpose-driven work.
Hal Bagley

Hal Bagley - Elevate2Lead - USA

The ValueMatch instruments allow us to quickly identify and prioritize the cultural and structural issues we should address in the workshops we do conduct with our customers. Without the instruments our workshops take more time to get to the point.

Assessment Components

The Culture Assessment consists of 17 questions about the individual and 27 questions about the organization’s culture and structure. It measures:

  • The deep-seated motivations driving individuals.
  • Employees’ perceptions of the current culture and structure of the organization.
  • Employees’ desired vision for the culture and structure of the organization.

This graph compares the individual values of employees with the current culture and structure of the organization. It highlights areas of alignment and misalignment, indicating where cultural adjustments may be needed to better fit the values of the workforce.

ValueMatch culture assessment

Detailed Insights

The ValueMatch Culture Assessment measures and compares various aspects to provide actionable insights:

  • The development level of the organization and employees.
  • The degree of alignment between the organizational culture and employees’ deeper values and drives.
  • Suitable cultures and systems for employees if the current setup does not fit.
  • The alignment of planned changes with employee potential.
  • Logical next steps in the organization’s development.
  • Employees’ willingness to change.
  • Specific cultural and systemic aspects causing friction that require attention.

In this graph, we compare the current culture with the desired culture, determining a match factor where 10 represents a perfect match and 1 indicates a significant misalignment. This visualization helps identify the extent of cultural change required to achieve the desired state.

ValueMatch culture assessment - desired culture

Group Profiles

Creating group profiles for different departments or sections of the organization (e.g., senior management, general management, employees, or units in different countries) provides further insights into their characteristics and potential bottlenecks in cooperation. Internal conflicts often stem from differences in deeper values, making this understanding crucial for resolving issues.

Readiness for Change

This graph shows the readiness for change among employees, indicating whether they are inclined towards maintaining the status quo or embracing the desired changes. It provides a measure of the organization’s change readiness, crucial for planning effective interventions.

ValueMatch Spiral Dynamics culture readiness for change

Reports Generated

Upon completion of the questionnaire by employees, the following reports are generated:

  • Personal values report for each employee, detailing their values and drives.
  • Cultural report for each employee, illustrating the dynamics between the individual and organization.
  • Culture profile for the group or different groups.
  • Group values profile, highlighting the deeper values, drives, and potential of employees.

The reports contain a lot of details, here is an example of data provided on one of the 27 topics that is queried in the assessment. Such data is only presented as a result if it is relevant to the desired development in the organization.

ValueMatch culture report question detail

Certified Practitioners

The successful application of the ValueMatch Culture Assessment requires guidance from our ValueMatch Certified Practitioners. They are trained to extract the right information from the available data and link this to your organization’s developmental issues, ensuring the most effective outcomes.