Online assessment & coaching session

Konrad workshop polandValueMatch value assessments instantly provide you with a deeper insight into the dynamics between you and your work and living environment. Although our assessment reports give you an extensive explanation, a coaching conversation will give even more depth. Furthermore, you can discuss the outcome of the assessment in relation to a personal development question, a problem you have encountered, or an area you want to further develop. After completing the questionnaire, you will receive a full report within one working day explaining the Spiral Dynamics analysis method and a personal interpretation of your answers. Afterward, we will make an appointment for an online coaching conversation lasting an hour in which an experienced Spiral Dynamics specialist and coach will guide you and deepen your insights.

The reasons for this might be:

  • Choices that have to be made regarding a new function or challenges;
  • Interpreting a mismatch you experience with your work or personal surroundings, team, or colleagues;
  • A self-employed entrepreneur who is looking for customers or collaborators who are most compatible with him or her;
  • Wanting to communicate and collaborate more effectively in general;
  • Looking for ways in which you can work more effectively.


The report gives you insight into your deepest values, which living and working environment suits you best, what the potential pitfalls are, and which living and working environments are not right for you.

ValueMatch coaches speak Dutch and English and also understand German, but we can also put you in contact with a Certified Practitioner in one of the countries where ValueMatch is currently active.

You can start directly by ordering an assessment with a 45-minute debrief session, click below. If you are interested in longer coaching or have specific questions, please contact us for more information and our rates.

You can try our assessments straight away! Just go to our shop and order a values report. You can fill in the questionnaire immediately and receive our report within one working day along with an explanation of Spiral Dynamics, the assessment, your results and a personal analysis.