
Customer stories

Pro-sports team or family, what is the perfect organizational culture?
Pro-sports team or family, what is the perfect organizational culture?

Pro-sports team or family, what is the perfect organizational culture?


A video in which Netflix CEO Reed Hastings states that a company is not a family but more like a pro-sports team, recently went viral. Hastings is brutally honest about his company's focus, yet is this true for other organizations? I had a friend who worked at a family-owned trucking

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Leading – from task execution to social thinking
Leading – from task execution to social thinking

Leading – from task execution to social thinking


How BGK’s strategy implementation transformedits organizational cultureAll organizations can explain what they do. Some can also show how they are different from others. However, only a few know why they do something. This is Simon Sinek’s thesis in his bestseller How Great Leaders Inspire Others to Act. The “why” here

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Spiral Dynamics integrated in Organizational Development
Spiral Dynamics integrated in Organizational Development

Spiral Dynamics integrated in Organizational Development


Marc Dortu is the Manager of the Department of Organizational Development at the Municipality of the Hague. The Department consists of ten internal consultants that advise the Municipality management in matters related to organizational structure, transformation and change management, and leadership development. Marc Dortu has used Spiral Dynamics since 2010. The

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Spiral Dynamics in Leadership Development
Spiral Dynamics in Leadership Development

Spiral Dynamics in Leadership Development


How can Spiral Dynamics and ValueMatch support leadership development? This article describes how Martin Malley has integrated both into leadership development programs with clients in the United States for the past five years.Martin Malley, the owner and principal of Shrinking Borders, was first exposed to Spiral Dynamics while participating in

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Integrand – Team building
Integrand – Team building

Integrand – Team building


My name is Jolijn Uittenbogaard and this year I am chairman of Integrand Nederland, a student foundation that brings students and companies into contact by organizing internships and career events. The foundation is run by approximately 140 students spread over 12 student towns in the Netherlands.Integrand Netherlands is the national

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GrantTree London
GrantTree London

GrantTree London


GrantTree in London helps innovative companies acquire state aid. Right from day one in 2011, they have been a pioneer in creating an open culture based on trust and using self-management methods. Andrew Ormerod wrote:"t GrantTree we've found both the individual values profiles and the structure and culture profiles extremely

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