ValueMatch Spiral Dynamics Assessment tools
with Reinventing Organizations extensions
ValueMatch offers a number of unique assessment tools which map the dynamics between people and their living and working environments. These go beyond behavior to reveal the deeper values which drive people, this helps employees and their organization become more attuned to each other. This in turn leads to a more effective organization, professionals who thrive and lasting, sustainable changes.
ValueMatch has developed unique algorithms which give the first interpretation to personal rapports. These reports are available in both the colors of Spiral Dynamics and Reinventing Organizations. Our culture assessments use the format and analyses of Frederic Laloux’s Reinventing Organizations.
For all assessments we make personal, team and organization analyses and profiles. By mapping the values of both employees organization culture our tools can be used to make an optimal match between people and their work environment

Complete reports
ValueMatch provides complete reports that introduce the underlying philosophy, explain the questionnaires and give a personal interpretation. We have specially developed unique algorithms to do this. Participants quickly recognize themselves in the descriptions and get a deeper analysis of values and stages of change.
Internationally applicable
Currently, our assessments are available in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Croatian, Chinese, Russian and Turkish. In addition, ValueMatch has trained professionals in the use of its assessments in over 30 countries.
Measuring both personal and cultural values
Unique to the ValueMatch assessment instruments is that we measure not only the personal values, but also the culture of the organization. Spiral Dynamics describes the interaction between people and their living and working environments. Each set of personal values is best expressed in a specific environment. By measuring both we are able to expose (potential) bottlenecks and spot development potential in the organization. Development plans can then focus on creating the right match between people and organization.
Reinventing Organizations
Reinventing Organizations describes the values and principles on which many innovative organizations that apply self-management are based. The interpretation of Frederic Laloux also takes the work of Clare W. Graves as its starting point. ValueMatch adds a broader development perspective to this work so that organizations inspired by this, can gain insight into which path they need to follow in order to achieve this renewal and which pitfalls and challenges they may encounter on the way. In addition, we offer our value charts in the colors used by Laloux and also we make use of Laloux’s formats in our culture analysis.
Individual, team and organization in view
ValueMatch provides analysis at individual, team and organizational levels. This permits different departments to be compared. We have developed algorithms to extract the appropriate information from the individual questionnaires which is relevant for the team and organization.
Online system
Our online system has been designed to provide maximum user-friendliness for both the professionals who conduct the research (practitioners) and those who fill in the questionnaires (respondents). It is robust and secure. Your personal data is protected according to the as described in our Privacy Statement.
You can try our assessments straight away! Just go to our shop and order a values report. You can fill in the questionnaire immediately and receive our report within one working day along with an explanation of Spiral Dynamics, the assessment, your results and a personal analysis.