Value-Driven biography – e-book

 20,00 |  20,00 incl. VAT |


As human beings, we have an infinite reservoir of potential, which is unlocked step by step through our lives. You can think of life as a series of school classes in which each class presents us with new challenges and increasingly difficult puzzles to solve.

These classes can be recognized as life phases in which we are constantly discovering new value systems. Value systems determine what we find important and what drives our life choices. Our lives can seem like a series of random events but by looking at them from this perspective, an exciting and meaningful development unfolds.

By reading these biographies, you also learn to recognize patterns in your own life and thus gain an understanding of the person you have become.

This booklet provides 10 examples of biographies written from a Spiral Dynamics perspective, as well as the method Paul Zuiker has developed to write these.

This is an e-book version, it contains 90 pages of 17 x 24 cm. A hard-cover version is available here.


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