coach set

 39,00 |  47,19 incl. VAT |


The ValueMatch ValueGame allows you to explore eight themes of the organizational culture and structure in a playful manner in workshops: leadership, decision making, humanity, meaning of success, organization structure, meeting structure, accountability and customers. The ValueGame has been developed in collaboration with Patrick ‘t Hart.

For each theme there is a drawing and a description that describes is for each of the value systems. The front of the card is in black and white, which you can use to let the participants choose without being aware of the underlying value system. The back of the card has the same text and drawing, but with the color of the value system.

This box contains one set of cards for the use of one on one coaching (a box with 8 sets for workshops is also available).

Available in English, German, Dutch, French and Polish. – French cards ship no later than first week of March. The Polish version can be ordered at:

There is a manual available digitally that contains various workshop structures, click here to download. 

The drawings are created by Marieke van der Velden.

Additional information

Weight 0,41 kg
Dimensions 2 cm


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coach set”